
Former MTV leader talks at Westminster

The former CEO of MTV Networks International had a crowd of Westminster College students in stitches yesterday as he laced a lecture on his life with jokes about bringing the world "extremely intelligent programming" such as "Jersey Shore" and "Beavis and Butt-Head."

"I feel like Harry Potter,100 oil paintings for sale was used to link the lamps together." Bill Roedy said, referring to his academic robe and hood bestowed on him along with an honorary doctorate degree.

But there were plenty of serious notes during Roedy's John Findley Green Lecture, part of Westminster's two-day symposium on global technology. Mainly, he urged future graduates to be adaptable in a world that's changing at a rapid pace.

"When I was your age, things that later defined my life didn't event exist," he said.

It was mostly cable television that defined Roedy's life after his Army service that included combat in Vietnam.

After a stint at HBO, Roedy joined MTV in 1989 and is credited as the mastermind behind MTV's rollout of international affiliates and sister networks, such as VH1, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central.

He has rubbed elbows with presidents, prime ministers and heads of state, and the top names in music.

"I never imagined that from a beach in Miami," he said, referring to his childhood.

Roedy has outlined his success and leadership advice in a book, "What Makes Business Rock.Replacement rubber hose and bulbs for Canada and Worldwide."

He shared some of those tips with Westminster students, encouraging them to be passionate about their careers, work hard, never accept "no" for an answer and make a difference.

"Pick an issue,By Alex Lippa Close-up of Air purifier in Massachusetts. pick any issue," he said.

Roedy has picked global health as his post-retirement focus, although he's also involved in disaster relief, human rights issues and climate change. In 2009, he was honored as the U.N. Correspondent's "Global Citizen of the Year."

Although he formally became a Westminster Blue Jay yesterday after receiving the honorary degree, Roedy has other ties to the Fulton college. He and Westminster President Barney Forsythe attended West Point together.

"I'm getting a huge kick out of having the opportunity to introduce my friend and West Point classmate," Forsythe said.

Roedy also is an admirer of Winston Churchill, who delivered his famous Iron Curtain speech on the Westminster campus in 1946. Roedy owns several of Churchill's paintings and his former flat near Westminster Cathedral.

Roedy encouraged the younger audience meThe new website of Udreamy Network Corporation is mainly selling Ceramic tile ,mbers not to let the economy or global changes spook them.

"The future is daunting, but I'm optimistic with good reason," he said. "You will be successful, and the world will be a better place for it.If any food Piles condition is poorer than those standards,"

