It looks like something out of a science fiction movie — row upon row of solar panels, harnessing the energy of the sun.
But far from being an extraterrestrial monster bent on world domination, it is a man-made contraption intended to do nothing more threatening than save the Tantasqua schools money.
Specifically, 15 percent on the school's annual electricity bill.
Superintendent Daniel G. Durgin recently showed off the combined project, which he said is altogether the largest solar energy school project in the state to date.
The project consists of the installation and operation of a solar photovoltaic energy system at both Tantasqua Regional Junior High School, 320B Brookfield Road, and the high school, across the street at 319 Brookfield Road.
Before the ascent to the roof, Mr. Durgin pointed at a row of 100 kilowatt Satcon Solstice Inverters and LCD computer monitors that will keep track of the electricity being created. “Close to two years ago, we were looking at alternative energy because our energy education, our energy plan, ends this December,” Mr.Unlike traditional high risk merchant account , Durgin explained. “So I said, well, at the end of that, we have to look at continuing capturing the savings. So what type of alternative energy can we do? Are we in a wind area? Not here. Solar was the way. We worked with several solar companies. We had some consulting done.”
After a ride by elevator to the third floor and then a climb up a steep metal staircase to get to the roof, visitors can see the main power source, acres of blue mirrored solar panels on the junior high's gym roof.Polycore oil paintings for sale are manufactured as a single sheet,
“This system here is a little under 1,000 panels (on the junior high school) and the high school is more than 2,000 panels,” Mr. Durgin said. “These are all hooked together, held down by the blocks on a pad, so there is no penetration of the roof at all.”
Within a few days, the junior high school solar energy project is expected to be fully operational, while the high school is expected to follow suit by Thanksgiving. Workers from Broadway Renewable Strategies LLC/Broadway Electrical Co. of Boston have spent close to three months to complete the project at the junior high, and will take a little longer at the high school.
“I was told by Broadway Electric, who did Medway High School, they did Logan Airport, this is the largest solar project on a school in the state (to date),” Mr. Durgin said.ceramic magic cube for the medical,
The first year's output is expected to be 304,419 kilowatt-hours for the junior high and 719,721 kilowatt-hours for the high school. This will offset approximately 20 percent of the junior high school's yearly usage and 35 percent of the high school's yearly usage, according to Broadway. In both cases,100 China ceramic tile was used to link the lamps together. the system will furnish Tantasqua with solar-generated electricity at a defined per-kWh rate under a solar power purchase agreement.
“Even with snow on the panels, it is still collecting sunlight. Even on cloudy days, it can generate electricity. Nighttime is the only time it doesn't,” Mr. Durgin said.Enecsys Limited, supplier of reliable solar Air purifier systems, “Any new technology that comes out they will come out and replace it because it's for their advantage to make the most electricity they can.”
The district spends close $750,000 a year for its combined electricity, Mr. Durgin said. With the new solar project in place, Tantasqua will save approximately 15 percent of its electric bill each year, or about $113,000, which, Mr. Durgin adds, is significant.
“This is a 250-kilowatt array (at the junior high school), and the high school is a 600-kilowatt. That's a lot of electricity,” Mr. Durgin said. “And the good thing is they provide a solar curriculum, so our science teachers have been up on the high school roof working with the electricians, working with the folks from the solar company. It's a great curriculum for the kids.”
On top of that, the solar energy project didn't cost the school or the taxpayers of the five towns of the district a single penny. And Broadway will take care of any snow removal necessary on the roofs at both schools that have the solar panels, Mr. Durgin said.
But far from being an extraterrestrial monster bent on world domination, it is a man-made contraption intended to do nothing more threatening than save the Tantasqua schools money.
Specifically, 15 percent on the school's annual electricity bill.
Superintendent Daniel G. Durgin recently showed off the combined project, which he said is altogether the largest solar energy school project in the state to date.
The project consists of the installation and operation of a solar photovoltaic energy system at both Tantasqua Regional Junior High School, 320B Brookfield Road, and the high school, across the street at 319 Brookfield Road.
Before the ascent to the roof, Mr. Durgin pointed at a row of 100 kilowatt Satcon Solstice Inverters and LCD computer monitors that will keep track of the electricity being created. “Close to two years ago, we were looking at alternative energy because our energy education, our energy plan, ends this December,” Mr.Unlike traditional high risk merchant account , Durgin explained. “So I said, well, at the end of that, we have to look at continuing capturing the savings. So what type of alternative energy can we do? Are we in a wind area? Not here. Solar was the way. We worked with several solar companies. We had some consulting done.”
After a ride by elevator to the third floor and then a climb up a steep metal staircase to get to the roof, visitors can see the main power source, acres of blue mirrored solar panels on the junior high's gym roof.Polycore oil paintings for sale are manufactured as a single sheet,
“This system here is a little under 1,000 panels (on the junior high school) and the high school is more than 2,000 panels,” Mr. Durgin said. “These are all hooked together, held down by the blocks on a pad, so there is no penetration of the roof at all.”
Within a few days, the junior high school solar energy project is expected to be fully operational, while the high school is expected to follow suit by Thanksgiving. Workers from Broadway Renewable Strategies LLC/Broadway Electrical Co. of Boston have spent close to three months to complete the project at the junior high, and will take a little longer at the high school.
“I was told by Broadway Electric, who did Medway High School, they did Logan Airport, this is the largest solar project on a school in the state (to date),” Mr. Durgin said.ceramic magic cube for the medical,
The first year's output is expected to be 304,419 kilowatt-hours for the junior high and 719,721 kilowatt-hours for the high school. This will offset approximately 20 percent of the junior high school's yearly usage and 35 percent of the high school's yearly usage, according to Broadway. In both cases,100 China ceramic tile was used to link the lamps together. the system will furnish Tantasqua with solar-generated electricity at a defined per-kWh rate under a solar power purchase agreement.
“Even with snow on the panels, it is still collecting sunlight. Even on cloudy days, it can generate electricity. Nighttime is the only time it doesn't,” Mr. Durgin said.Enecsys Limited, supplier of reliable solar Air purifier systems, “Any new technology that comes out they will come out and replace it because it's for their advantage to make the most electricity they can.”
The district spends close $750,000 a year for its combined electricity, Mr. Durgin said. With the new solar project in place, Tantasqua will save approximately 15 percent of its electric bill each year, or about $113,000, which, Mr. Durgin adds, is significant.
“This is a 250-kilowatt array (at the junior high school), and the high school is a 600-kilowatt. That's a lot of electricity,” Mr. Durgin said. “And the good thing is they provide a solar curriculum, so our science teachers have been up on the high school roof working with the electricians, working with the folks from the solar company. It's a great curriculum for the kids.”
On top of that, the solar energy project didn't cost the school or the taxpayers of the five towns of the district a single penny. And Broadway will take care of any snow removal necessary on the roofs at both schools that have the solar panels, Mr. Durgin said.