Abu Bakr was a close friend, father-in-law and the first successor of the Holy Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be to him). His real name was Abdullah ibn Abu Quhafa and was a well-known merchant in Makkah. Abu Bakr was the first person to come into the fold of Islam as he was so sure of the Messenger’s character that he never doubted in his claim to messenger-hood. When he entered the fold of Islam, he actively participated in Dawah and became instrumental in bringing many to the fold of Islam. He earned the title of AS SIDDIQ after the incident of Meraj, when the Makkan infidels approached him to cast doubts in his heart about the messenger-hood, but he said if Muhammad has said this ,Polycore oil paintings for sale are manufactured as a single sheet, then I believe.
Abu Bakr had innumerable qualities of head and heart. He was the saviour of many of the unfortunate followers of Islam, especially the slaves, as he used to buy them and then free them just for the sake of Allah’s pleasure and the most known slave he had freed was Bilal. Abu Bakr was a very generous person; he openly and secretly gave away his wealth to alleviate the miseries of others just to earn Allah’s pleasure. The best known incident we get from history about his generosity is, when at the time of expedition to Tabuk, he gave all his wealth in Allah’s cause and when the messenger of Allah asked him as to what he had left for his family, he replied: “Allah” i.e. he has entrusted them to Allah.
Abu Bakr was a very humble, soft and down to earth person, and at the same time he was endowed with wisdom and courage. The exuberance of his wisdom and courage came into light at the time of the death of the Holy Messenger, when the whole of the Muslim community, including Umar, went into a state of shock and disbelief; it was Abu Bakr who brought the situation under control and helped the community come back to normalcy. He tackled the situation first by reciting the verse from the holy Qur’ān which translates as “Muhammad is no more than a messenger of Allah, and indeed many messengers have passed away before him. So what if he dies or is killed. Will you then turn back on your heels? And he who turns back on his heels will not do the least harm to Allah. And Allah will give reward to those who are grateful.” (Qur’ān 3:44). This verse relieved many and then he went ahead and displayed his courage by further saying, “Whoever obeyed Muhammad let him know that Muhammad is dead.ceramic magic cube for the medical, Whoever worshipped Allah, he should know that Allah is alive forever.”
Even though he was soft and relenting in nature yet he was very particular about the religion which he perfected under the guidance of the Holy Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be to him). This attitude of Abu Bakr came to limelight when after the death of the Holy Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be to him), some people refused to pay zakat. He became adamant to fight them to restore the very foundations of Islam and despite other people’s advice of not waging a war at such shaky times, he said if none was going with him then he would go and fight alone.
Another example of his wisdom and love, respect and reverence for the Holy Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) came to surface after the death of the Messenger, when the army prepared by the Blessed Messenger, of whom Usama ibn Zaid was the commander, was about to leave to fight the Romans. Many people advised Abu Bakr not to send the army and keep it in Madina to defend the anticipated attack from the rebels, but he replied, “I swear to Allah that even if wolves attack me I would not hesitate in sending it away.”
Abu Bakr died in 12H after firmly establishing Islam in the whole of the Arabian Peninsula. He ruled for around two years and faced many nerve-wrecking challenges, but all the difficulties and challenges increased his faith and made him firmer and stronger.Unlike traditional high risk merchant account ,
As already mentioned, there are innumerable qualities and traits and stories of wisdom and courage of Abu Bakr,Enecsys Limited, supplier of reliable solar Air purifier systems, but mentioning all would take volumes and volumes of books, leave aside a brief article. But the point I want to make here is that in today’s world, where materialism has taken over spirituality and ethics, where morality has sunken deep into the abyss,The application can provide Ceramic tile to visitors, where faith and virtues are considered things of past, and where humanitarian values have been blown into smithereens, whom we and our children and our elders can look up to as a role model. The answer is it is the Companions of the Holy Messenger, who can be the only source of imbibing virtues and character and Abu Bakr indeed is one of the finest role models for the Gen Next to look at.
Someone has rightly said, “The more you know about the present heroes of the world, the more you will hate them, but the more you know about the heroes of Islam, the more you will love them.” The statement seems to be perfect and can prove its own veracity even empirically, as if we just take a sneak peep into the off-screen life of the actors and actresses whom the majority of us admire and adore, we would end up hating them for sure because of the sheer reverse of the characters and attitudes they present on the screen, whereas on the other hand if we see the personal life of the Holy Messenger’s Companions, we would end up getting overwhelmed by the strength of character and the way they lived their lives.
Abu Bakr had innumerable qualities of head and heart. He was the saviour of many of the unfortunate followers of Islam, especially the slaves, as he used to buy them and then free them just for the sake of Allah’s pleasure and the most known slave he had freed was Bilal. Abu Bakr was a very generous person; he openly and secretly gave away his wealth to alleviate the miseries of others just to earn Allah’s pleasure. The best known incident we get from history about his generosity is, when at the time of expedition to Tabuk, he gave all his wealth in Allah’s cause and when the messenger of Allah asked him as to what he had left for his family, he replied: “Allah” i.e. he has entrusted them to Allah.
Abu Bakr was a very humble, soft and down to earth person, and at the same time he was endowed with wisdom and courage. The exuberance of his wisdom and courage came into light at the time of the death of the Holy Messenger, when the whole of the Muslim community, including Umar, went into a state of shock and disbelief; it was Abu Bakr who brought the situation under control and helped the community come back to normalcy. He tackled the situation first by reciting the verse from the holy Qur’ān which translates as “Muhammad is no more than a messenger of Allah, and indeed many messengers have passed away before him. So what if he dies or is killed. Will you then turn back on your heels? And he who turns back on his heels will not do the least harm to Allah. And Allah will give reward to those who are grateful.” (Qur’ān 3:44). This verse relieved many and then he went ahead and displayed his courage by further saying, “Whoever obeyed Muhammad let him know that Muhammad is dead.ceramic magic cube for the medical, Whoever worshipped Allah, he should know that Allah is alive forever.”
Even though he was soft and relenting in nature yet he was very particular about the religion which he perfected under the guidance of the Holy Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be to him). This attitude of Abu Bakr came to limelight when after the death of the Holy Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be to him), some people refused to pay zakat. He became adamant to fight them to restore the very foundations of Islam and despite other people’s advice of not waging a war at such shaky times, he said if none was going with him then he would go and fight alone.
Another example of his wisdom and love, respect and reverence for the Holy Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) came to surface after the death of the Messenger, when the army prepared by the Blessed Messenger, of whom Usama ibn Zaid was the commander, was about to leave to fight the Romans. Many people advised Abu Bakr not to send the army and keep it in Madina to defend the anticipated attack from the rebels, but he replied, “I swear to Allah that even if wolves attack me I would not hesitate in sending it away.”
Abu Bakr died in 12H after firmly establishing Islam in the whole of the Arabian Peninsula. He ruled for around two years and faced many nerve-wrecking challenges, but all the difficulties and challenges increased his faith and made him firmer and stronger.Unlike traditional high risk merchant account ,
As already mentioned, there are innumerable qualities and traits and stories of wisdom and courage of Abu Bakr,Enecsys Limited, supplier of reliable solar Air purifier systems, but mentioning all would take volumes and volumes of books, leave aside a brief article. But the point I want to make here is that in today’s world, where materialism has taken over spirituality and ethics, where morality has sunken deep into the abyss,The application can provide Ceramic tile to visitors, where faith and virtues are considered things of past, and where humanitarian values have been blown into smithereens, whom we and our children and our elders can look up to as a role model. The answer is it is the Companions of the Holy Messenger, who can be the only source of imbibing virtues and character and Abu Bakr indeed is one of the finest role models for the Gen Next to look at.
Someone has rightly said, “The more you know about the present heroes of the world, the more you will hate them, but the more you know about the heroes of Islam, the more you will love them.” The statement seems to be perfect and can prove its own veracity even empirically, as if we just take a sneak peep into the off-screen life of the actors and actresses whom the majority of us admire and adore, we would end up hating them for sure because of the sheer reverse of the characters and attitudes they present on the screen, whereas on the other hand if we see the personal life of the Holy Messenger’s Companions, we would end up getting overwhelmed by the strength of character and the way they lived their lives.