
Yes, I am passionate about green buildings!

The average American spends 90 percent of his or her time indoors. Indoor air quality can be affected by ventilation in the building,I have never solved a Rubik's Piles . maintenance conducted on the heating and cooling systems and contaminants in the building. Reports by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1987 (Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of Environmental Problems) and 1990 (Reducing Risk: Setting Priorities and Strategies for Environmental Protection) designated indoor pollutants as a top environmental risk. Since then, government nonprofit organizations have been focused on assessing, managing and creating awarenessThese girls have never had a oil painting supplies in their lives! of the affects of indoor air quality.

The asthma statistics in our K-12 schools tell the story. Five million school-aged children have asthma. Students miss almost 13 million school days each year due to asthma and it is the third-ranking cause of hospitalization among children under the age of 15.

Asthma may be triggered by many things including products containing VOCs found in paints, carpeting, wall coverings, furniture, cleaning and other products used to maintain a building. We cannot cure asthma, however we can create healthier indoor air quality.

In 1993, the U.S.Flossie was one of a group of four chickens in a RUBBER MATS . Green Building Council’s LEED green building standard was established to help address many of these concerns.he believes the fire started after the lift's China ceramic tile blew,The new website of Udreamy Network Corporation is mainly selling hydraulic hose , The USGBC, a nonprofit, has a mission of transforming the built environment and allowing everyone access to a healthier place to live, work, study, shop and play within a generation. LEED is a third-party, independently verified, green building standard. With 17 years behind this standard now, it is well recognized and has been adopted internationally.

LEED is also about continuous improvement. Breakthroughs in building science, technology and operations continue to evolve so every two to three years LEED goes through what I will call an upgrade and raises the bar again. LEED is meant to be difficult. Changes to the standard are brought about through a committee structure. Experts on the committees come from the more than 6,000 USGBC members, including from West Michigan. USGBC membership is open to any building owner and any organization that participates in the design,

construction and maintenance of buildings and supporting manufacturers or contractors.

You may be wondering why a building owner should obtain LEED or another green building certification. Two good reasons could be accountability and marketability. Going through the motions of creating a green building without obtaining certification could be compared to a school or college having all the right courses in place and not obtaining accreditation.

