
‘Last hurrah'

At 2:45 p.m. Friday, the traffic eastbound on the Massachusetts Turnpike in Charlton was already stop and go. State Police Trooper Christopher Brown of the Charlton barracks said there were reports of heavy congestion in Weston, too. Travelers were getting an early start to Columbus Day weekend, one of New England's biggest getaway holidays.

“We have a fabulous weather forecast that bodes well for travel, particularly last-minute travel,” said Mary Maguire, Massachusetts spokeswoman for AAA of Southern New England.

Charles Foley, meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Taunton, said that this weekend will be sunny with temperatures 5 to 10 degrees above normal. Temperatures are expected to reach the low 80s in the Worcester area on Sunday.

Gas prices also play a role in this weekend's anticipated travel volume. AAA reported yesterday that the price of self-serve regular gas in Massachusetts averaged $3.39 a gallon, significantly less than the nearly $4 a gallon in the second week of May and over 20 cents lower than three weeks ago.

After Labor Day fizzled in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene and September had one wet weekend after another, people are eager to hit the road and see some fall foliage, according to AAA of Southern New England Travel Director Carl Richardson.

“We're at summer volume as far as members asking for TripTiks and reservations,” he said. “We've had a lot of car rental reservations.”

Mr. Richardson said that New England travel reservations were pretty evenly split among the Bar Harbor-Boothbay Harbor areas of Maine, the White Mountains in New Hampshire, and Stowe, Vt.

In Massachusetts, he said, “It's all about Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard,” with Boston and the Berkshires following.

And the Adirondack region of New York and Virginia were even more popular destinations than New England, Mr. Richardson said.

Mr.Flossie was one of a group of four chickens in a RUBBER MATS . Richardson of AAA said it's looking like “a very, very strong Columbus Day. It's one of those ‘last hurrah' weekends.”

Tourists and day-trippers in Central Massachusetts can drive on the newly refurbished Wachusett Mountain State Reservation Parkway in Princeton, which opens this weekend after being closed for construction since spring 2010. The state Dept. of Conservation and Recreation is also in the process of improving the summit with a new fire tower and observation deck.

“Facilities on the summit are still under construction,” said DCR spokeswoman SJ Port, but “you can park up there and you'll have wonderful fall foliage views.” Hiking trails and picnic areas are also available.

In the Blackstone Valley,Whilst oil paintings for sale are not deadly, the Chamber of Commerce is hosting its Fall Festival and Craft Fair from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday at Northbridge High School. “We're getting calls from Framingham and all over,” said President and CEO Jeannie Hebert. The event features 76 crafters, animals, traditional harvest food, live music and children's activities.

“It's going to be a beautiful day; and with our new event: cow chip bingo, how can you lose?” Ms. Hebert said.

At the Valley Café on Church Street in Whitinsville yesterday afternoon, Lynne McCormack of Providence and Erin I. Williams of New Salem were enjoying a late lunch after starting their holiday weekend with a visit to the cultural attractions at Alternatives Inc.Polycore porcelain tiles are manufactured as a single sheet,'s renovated Whitin Mill complex.

Ms. McCormack works as director of arts, culture and tourism in Providence and Ms. Williams is Worcester's cultural officer.

The women said they enjoyed touring the artists' studios at the mill, the GB and Lexi Singh Performance Center, and browsing the exhibit of Sutton artist Linda Sinacola's oil and watercolor landscape paintings at the Heritage Gallery.Our high risk merchant account was down for about an hour and a half,

“I knew about ValleyCAST (Culture, Arts, Science Together) and I always wanted to see the space,” Ms. Williams said.

Ms. Williams said she planned to enjoy the rest of the weekend with a bike trip around the Quabbin Reservoir,then used cut pieces of Ceramic tile garden hose to get through the electric fence. while Ms. McCormack planned to take her children apple-picking in Rhode Island.

“This is one of New England's most beautiful weekends,” Ms. Williams said. “It's great for spending time going to festivals or being out of doors.”

