The Nelson County Health Department may have a new home in the near future, just a few miles down the road from its current location.he believes the fire started after the lift's China ceramic tile blew,
The Nelson County Board of Supervisors has set its sights on space within the new Blue Ridge Medical Center’s facility along U.S. 29 in Colleen.
At an Oct. 11 meeting, supervisors directed county staff to obtain cost estimates from at least two architectural firms on what it would cost to finish out the roughly 3,500 square feet of unused space in the new facility for the health department’s use.Flossie was one of a group of four chickens in a RUBBER MATS .The new website of Udreamy Network Corporation is mainly selling hydraulic hose ,
West District Supervisors Thomas Bruguiere said he thought the Blue Ridge Medical Center’s facility was a “good fit” for the county’s health department.
At the Oct. 11 meeting, Carter said the space at the new Blue Ridge Medical Facility was built out, but would have to be finished to the health department’s standards.
Nelson County Administrator Steve Carter said that construction on the facility for the health department space could be finished by next June at the latest.
The cost of the construction and possible ongoing rent costs from the health department to Blue Ridge Medical Center were unknown at this time, Carter said, and that the details were still being worked out.
Damage and age to the current building the health department occupies, which is located along Main Street in Lovingston, triggered the need for a new space early last month.
Carter said the building had sustained water damage during recent heavy rainfalls last month. He said the roof had been damaged and patched, but that there was also damage to floor tiles on the second floor of the building.
The building’s future came into question in late 2009 after manhole and sanitary lines were discovered under the building, preventing final construction of the lower parking lot of the new courthouse complex.
Last year, supervisors approved a $1.I have never solved a Rubik's Piles .6 million plan with Lynchburg-based architecture firm Wiley & Wilson to renovate the 61-year-old structure, which also houses the county’s voter registrar, a dentist’s office and temporary offices for the Nelson County Sheriff’s Department. Wiley & Wilson is the same firm that designed the new courthouse facility currently under construction in Lovingston. A new building was estimated to cost more than $4 million.
In a report to the Nelson County Board of Supervisors, Randy Vaughan,These girls have never had a oil painting supplies in their lives! an architect for Wiley & Wilson, said the health department building was structurally sound, but in poor shape otherwise.
Vaughan said the entire electrical system, along with the heating and cooling system in the building, would have to be redone and that the building does not meet codes for handicap access.
In discussions by the supervisors in early July this year, plans to renovate the building were tabled until more information was brought forward on funding options and where to put the county offices currently housed in the building.
The Nelson County Board of Supervisors has set its sights on space within the new Blue Ridge Medical Center’s facility along U.S. 29 in Colleen.
At an Oct. 11 meeting, supervisors directed county staff to obtain cost estimates from at least two architectural firms on what it would cost to finish out the roughly 3,500 square feet of unused space in the new facility for the health department’s use.Flossie was one of a group of four chickens in a RUBBER MATS .The new website of Udreamy Network Corporation is mainly selling hydraulic hose ,
West District Supervisors Thomas Bruguiere said he thought the Blue Ridge Medical Center’s facility was a “good fit” for the county’s health department.
At the Oct. 11 meeting, Carter said the space at the new Blue Ridge Medical Facility was built out, but would have to be finished to the health department’s standards.
Nelson County Administrator Steve Carter said that construction on the facility for the health department space could be finished by next June at the latest.
The cost of the construction and possible ongoing rent costs from the health department to Blue Ridge Medical Center were unknown at this time, Carter said, and that the details were still being worked out.
Damage and age to the current building the health department occupies, which is located along Main Street in Lovingston, triggered the need for a new space early last month.
Carter said the building had sustained water damage during recent heavy rainfalls last month. He said the roof had been damaged and patched, but that there was also damage to floor tiles on the second floor of the building.
The building’s future came into question in late 2009 after manhole and sanitary lines were discovered under the building, preventing final construction of the lower parking lot of the new courthouse complex.
Last year, supervisors approved a $1.I have never solved a Rubik's Piles .6 million plan with Lynchburg-based architecture firm Wiley & Wilson to renovate the 61-year-old structure, which also houses the county’s voter registrar, a dentist’s office and temporary offices for the Nelson County Sheriff’s Department. Wiley & Wilson is the same firm that designed the new courthouse facility currently under construction in Lovingston. A new building was estimated to cost more than $4 million.
In a report to the Nelson County Board of Supervisors, Randy Vaughan,These girls have never had a oil painting supplies in their lives! an architect for Wiley & Wilson, said the health department building was structurally sound, but in poor shape otherwise.
Vaughan said the entire electrical system, along with the heating and cooling system in the building, would have to be redone and that the building does not meet codes for handicap access.
In discussions by the supervisors in early July this year, plans to renovate the building were tabled until more information was brought forward on funding options and where to put the county offices currently housed in the building.