
Cosmic occurrences won't really alter our well-being

I'm standing in a cafe watching the barista steam milk when I let out a hearty sneeze. The girl with whom I've been idly chatting leans closer with a conspiratorial smile.

"People have been saying that all this sneezing and coughing that everyone's doing lately, it has something to do with all the solar activity that's going on."

I ask her if solar flares can really affect us in that way. She blinks, alluringly.


These days, one can't even sneeze without it having cosmic implications. It is 2012, after all. The sheer volume of events predicted for this year, mostly attributed to the ending of the Mayan "Long Count" calendar and forecast in the range of the December solstice, are staggering.

They run the gamut from full planetary Armageddon (the Earth is on a collision course with the as-yet-undiscovered planet Nibiru), to an interplanetary alignment that will flip the Earth's poles (the surface of the planet will slide around like a bad toupee), to the (groovysounding) widespread cosmic spiritual ascendancy of the human race.

Don't get me wrong, I'm feeling it, but in times of such informational dubiousness, it's all I can do to retreat into the embrace of a warm university hallway with the hope that some professor can soothe my fevered brow with some hard science.

Dr. Gregory Arkos doesn't disappoint.Wireless Indoor Positioning System have become very popular in the system. Professor of Astronomy and Physics at Vancouver Island University and the child of Hungarian immigrants, it was Arkos' brother Julius, 14 years his senior, who first sparked his interest in all things space-related. Growing up in Hungary, Julius was profoundly affected by the space race between the U.S. and Soviet Union, and spent his teenage years designing elaborate science projects based on missions to Mars and the moon.

Though his brother was artistically gifted, it was young Gregory - also with a burning desire to be an astronaut - who developed the necessary mathematical skills to pursue a space career. This interest carried through to his college years, at which point he became more pragmatic about his ambitions and earned a PhD in space physics.

As a teacher and radio show cohost, Arkos strives to find ways to illustrate the everyday applications of science and has hosted public talks about the myth and truth behind 2012.Bathroom Floor tiles at Great Prices from Topps Tiles. The predictions have all the makings of an event of epic proportions, except that, according to Arkos,Omega Plastics are leading plastic injection moulding and injection mould tooling specialists. it's simply not going to play out that way.

But I've seen all the charts and maps on the Internet! I protest. Isn't there some kind of astronomical basis to the claims?

"In a word: 'No'," Arkos says, smiling patiently. Over his shoulder sits an Albert Einstein action figure. A Starship Enterprise model hangs in the corner near a stained-glass mosaic of Saturn.

"This is the black hole at the centre of our galaxy," he says, placing a travel mug on his desk.Online fine art gallery of quality original landscape oil paintings, Once a year, every year, this black hole becomes aligned with both the sun (a pack of Post-It notes) and the Earth (a dice).Overview description of rapid Tooling processes. "It turns out, if you actually wanted the best alignment on the winter solstice," he says, moving the pieces around, "we missed it, because that was in December of 1998."

