
Go Green: Paperless and clutter-free

While recycling paper products is certainly good for the environment, cutting the amount of paper a household uses does even more to preserve resources and cut down on carbon emissions. Doing away with scribbled notes, old newspapers and piles of paperwork can also lower stress levels.

Downsizing life's paperwork can reduce the amount of storage and living space we rely on. Andrea Graham-Melville of Concord, N.H., says her family's scanner purchase helped shrink "an overloaded, commercial-sized, two-drawer filing cabinet to a small file box."

Graham-Melville and her husband recently founded a small business that helps clients get rid of excess clutter,we supply all kinds of oil painting reproduction, "so we pretty much have to practice what we preach," she said.In addition to hydraulics fittings and Aion Kinah,

It's difficult to overemphasize the paperless advantages of investing in a good scanner, which start at about $75 and are available in various configurations. However, a host of other tools and tricks can help streamline the amount of paper that passes through your home.

Embrace the scanner

From restaurant menus and recipes to tax documents and insurance records, this simple device lets you recycle hundreds of documents that might otherwise sit in a filing cabinet. Be sure to shred financial or other personal documents; you can use the shredded matter to compost.

If the idea of scanning a filing cabinet full of paper and photos seems daunting, take a cue from Florida-based architect Bud Dietrich, who hired a high school student to scan all his old paper files. This could be an excellent way for tech-savvy kids on summer break to help out around the house or earn a bit of spending money.

Make your phone a notepad

Rather than jotting an address or grocery list on a piece of paper, use a smartphone to keep this information with you until you no longer need it. Most basic cellphones also have some sort of note-taking feature.

Author and marketer Linda Kazares says she installed a scanning app on her iPhone called JotNot Scanner Pro. It can capture documents, convert them to the proper file format and send them to the appropriate recipient.

Send periodicals back into the world

Still reading your magazines and newspapers the old-fashioned way? That is, in print? Once you're finished,What are the top Hemroids treatments? there are plenty of gyms or community centers that would love to circulate reasonably current magazines among their patrons. Just remember to remove the printed address label first. Scan any articles you might want to keep for later.

If you frequent a coffee shop every day, this is a great place to leave your morning paper so others can peruse it, as well. However, first check with the shop owner because some sell their own newspapers.Houston-based Quicksilver Resources said Friday it had reached pipeline dealsbuy landscape oil paintings online.

