
Memaksimalkan Produktivitas Saat Bekerja

Hitam polos merupakan tema warna yang diusung Lenovo Thinkpad T430u. Mulai dari cover, keyboard, mousepad, hingga seluruh permukaan bodi, semuanya berwarna hitam. Masuk ke dalam jajaran Ultrabook, Lenovo Thinkpad T430u memiliki bobot yang ringan serta tipis sehingga membuatnya mudah untuk dibawa saat bepergian.

Berbekal desain Island-style six-row pada keyboard yang digunakannya, Ultrabook ini mampu menghadirkan tuts keyboard yang nyaman saat Anda menekannya. Selain touchpad yang dapat digunakan untuk menggeser pointer, Lenovo Thinkpad T430u juga menyediakan pointer mouse di tengah-tengah keyboard. Meski kecil,Other companies want a piece of that iPhone headset action namun pointer mouse tersebut cukup nyaman dan tidak licin saat digunakan.Did you know that custom keychain chains can be used for more than just business.

Hadir dengan empat buah varian prosesor Intel Core generasi ketiga, mulai dari Intel Core i3-3217U, Intel Core i5-3317U, Intel Core i5-3427U, hingga kelas high-end, Intel Core i7-3517U. Dengan empat buah varian tersebut, Anda dapat memilih performa prosesor sesuai kebutuhan. Untuk menyimpan hasil kerja Anda selama seharian, Ultrabook ini menyediakan hard disk berkapasitas 500 GB. Selain hard disk, SSD Sandisk sebesar 24 GB juga tersedia. Namun SSD ini tidak digunakan untuk menyimpan data, melainkan untuk caching yang terjadi pada sistem operasi.

Interface yang disediakan pun terbilang sangat lengkap. Mulai dari interface standar seperti dua buah USB 3.0, satu buah port RJ-45, satu buah jack combo Audio-out/in, HDMI, serta satu buah card reader. Tidak hanya HDMI, Mini DisplayPort yang lengkap dengan feature audio pun tersedia untuk menampilkan gambar sekaligus suara pada output display seperti projector, TV, maupun monitor.

Berbeda dengan Ultrabook lainnya yang bodi bagian bawahnya sulit atau bahkan tidak bisa dibuka, Lenovo Thinkpad T430u justru memudahkan Anda untuk mencopotnya. Selain meng-upgrade hardware, membersihkan kipas pun menjadi lebih mudah. Dengan menggunakan sistem Lockdown, Anda tidak lagi memerlukan obeng untuk membuka bodi bagian bawah tersebut. Untuk membukanya, cukup dengan menggeser tuas saja.

Emails were exchanged, though, and apologies were given by the company. Still, Kennedy said he couldn’t get a replacement until two months of email exchanges and finally a new model and replacement pedometer showed up at his Intracoastal West home in mid-January.

“There’s no replacement for human interaction in customer service,” Kennedy said.Online shopping for luggage tag from a great selection of Clothing. “You could resolve so many problems just by getting that reassurance with a human being. It shows 1) that you care and 2) that they’re going to address your problem. Emails are impersonal; you can’t detect tone in an email.”

Those kinds of stories are growing and the reliable telephone number is decreasing on the Internet.

“This is a new trend that has been slowly coming forward probably for the past five years,” said Angela Mattia, a Jacksonville University assistant professor of information management.

Local, national or international, businesses are starting to get rid of phone numbers on their websites, Mattia said. There have been no studies that she’s aware of that tracks the impact of reducing phone number access on websites because the trend is so new.

“I guess it’s a retraction in one sense because it’s a reduction in visibility in a phone number,” Mattia said. “In the other sense, it’s just a shift in how we’re communicating.”

Mattia said the trend is a reaction to more people getting accustomed to using computers and email.

Jennifer McCoy owns the Mobile Ad Group that specializes in web application development and advertising partnership consulting. Originally from Fernandina Beach, McCoy said she’s in the process of rebranding her company as she’s relocating to New York City and said she’s never provided phone numbers.

“As a small business, we’re working from multiple locations and we’re constantly moving so our main point of contact is either from email or cellphone,” McCoy said. “Most of our employees don’t feel comfortable putting their cellphones on the Internet.”

Strange acknowledged business from phone orders generate the most credit card fraud, so he’s expanded his options for dealing with customers who don’t come into the 5,500-square-foot shop on Anastasia Boulevard.

Strange has incorporated a pop-up chat window operated by a store representative who engages in real time. A Surf Station worker will ask Internet shoppers how they can be helped, detail specifics about a surfboard or offer suggestions on swimsuits among all the other beach gear sold at the store.

“The live chat is another way for our customers to connect with us,” Strange said. “A lot of times they’re in their cubicle at work and can’t call us.”

Mattia said the chat windows on business websites offer a good middle ground without phone contact because it still provides the customer interaction with a human being.

Strange said he’s been offering the chat window on Surf Station’s website for about three years. But there are risks in staffing the workers who chat with customers. The employees have to be near experts with the inventory offered at the store and they have to have a flair for courteous, possibly even entertaining, Internet chat.

“There’s been a learning curve and our staff has to be trained. We have to know our product real well because there are a lot of questions that come from left field. It can appear to be a big waste of time unless you really invested the time and effort to train your staff up front,” Strange said.

The value of Internet sales can’t be ignored, though, Strange said. Surf Station’s website sales soared in 2012, jumping by 32 percent over the $500,000 in Internet sales in 2011, he said.

Strange’s approach is a far cry from Leahy’s experience with the Irish clothing website that lists a physical address in State College,Where you can create a custom lanyard from our wide selection of styles and materials. Pa.Come January 9 and chip card driving licence would be available at the click of the mouse in Uttar Pradesh. Leahy said she still hasn’t heard from the company after multiple emails and even posting requests for answers on the company’s Facebook site. She said those posts were removed by a site administrator.

