
Opportunities for healthcare in a sustainable future

Since the Rio+20 summit in June, more and more chief executives, civil society leaders and politicians have been talking about the need for a shared vision of a sustainable future and the need for a radically new and positive approach that would see the bold creation of a vibrant, sustainable society, rather than the gloomy vision of the 2C, 4C or 6C degree world that we all fear to live in.

Telling people what they will gain from a shift to a sustainable lifestyle is far more engaging and powerful than telling them what they might lose. Shifting the narrative from one of restraints and limitations to one that focuses on how you can improve your quality of life is what the sustainability agenda needs. We need a positive, engaging and exciting, yet realistic way of telling people about our future.

But then the difficult questions begin. What are the key messages to help reshape the gloomy sentiment and excite consumers and voters about a sustainable future? And what should persuade them to wish for – even long for – a sustainable future? There are no simple answers, but one thing is certain; neither voters nor consumers will support sustainability as a priority unless it offers considerable positive impacts on their everyday lives.Purchase an iPhone headset to enjoy your iPhone any way you like. That's why there is huge potential in tying together sustainability and health.

It is a lot easier to convince people to eat less animal fat because it will make them leaner and more energetic than to persuade them to do so because livestock farming put a huge strain on the environment. Health is a great vehicle to accelerate the sustainable agenda and give it a highly personal relevance. A healthy lifestyle has the power to define your quality of life and sustainability needs this kind of obvious positive daily impact.

We use about 40% of our overall energy consumption on and in buildings,We bring in fridge magnet souvenirs and merchandise from all over the world. and approximately a third of all materials used globally go to construction. Similarly, a third of all waste comes from the building sector. For years, we have had the knowledge and technology to lower energy use and waste – not to mention create huge savings for companies, homeowners and societies – by making buildings more sustainable. Still progress is slow. Why?

In our research for a our recent guide on more sustainable buildings it became clear to us that the arguments that really won the hearts and minds of owners and investors were direct health benefits, such as improved wellbeing and reduction of asthma, allergies and respiratory diseases. Sustainable material and designs include increased ventilation and sunlight and moisture control. Some studies have shown that respiratory issues caused by poor indoor climate can be lowered with up to 46% and asthma by 73% if buildings were more sustainable but this direct impact is not commonly known.

There are more examples. For instance,We've got a plastic card to suit you. arguments for sustainable transport such as cycling to work shouldn't be framed around the fuel this saves. It is too abstract to grasp the changes this can drive – and hence too convenient to take the car. Highlighting the positive effects of exercising for 30 minutes a day on the immune system and other health benefits creates a personal and clear incentive for pedal-driven, carbon-free transportation.

The good news for the broader healthcare industry is there is ample room for growth.Wear a whimsical Disney ear cap straight from the Disney Theme Parks! At a conference in November, Research from the pan-European Spread Sustainable Lifestyles project suggested that, broadly, the consumption of health services is very resource efficient; companies engaged in healthcare and prevention create a lot of value for each unit of energy and material used. And they pollute less too.

A recent study from Harvard Business School suggested that companies that embrace a sustainable business culture over many years significantly outperform their counterparts in terms of stock returns and accounting performance. They are better at involving stakeholders, reading trends and new needs better than competitors and excel at defining clear, long-term goals which attracts and sustains relationships to investors,Comprehensive Wi-Fi and RFID tag by Aeroscout to accurately locate and track any asset or person. consumers and partners.

This is an excellent starting point for a sector that wishes to grow in a sustainable economy. From a sustainability point of view, healthcare is a growth area. But do healthcare companies see this potential?

Sustainable healthcare is an open field waiting to be cultivated. There is still no clear definition or vision of what a sustainable healthcare system would look like. But if you dig just a little deeper into the processes shaping the future of technology and markets, as for example transition management researchers do, it is clear there are tremendous opportunities. Stakeholders that engage early in defining a vision can influence the development of the market.

